Played 2 Hyper games15895
No note yet
Taking a break from strategic games apart from chess
Member since 7 Apr 2022
Game completion rate: 100%
Time spent playing: 7 days, 20 hours and 43 minutes
Time featured on TV: 5 days, 8 hours and 13 minutes
FranceK2N_strategyL'équipe tititogepiLichessMind Sports OlympiadOruros LeaguePerGioco MastersPlayStrategy AmazonsPlayStrategy BackgammonPlayStrategy BreakthroughPlaystrategy ChampionsPlayStrategy ChessPlayStrategy Chess VariantsPlayStrategy CupPlayStrategy DraughtsPlayStrategy OthelloPlayStrategy GoPlayStrategy Lines Of ActionPlayStrategy MancalaPlayStrategy MedleysPlayStrategy OwarePlayStrategy ShogiPlayStrategy XiangqiStrategy BeastsUKGE PlayStrategy
Played 4 Hyper games159433
Played 13 Hyper games162758
Played 21 Hyper games156959
Played 1 Backgammon game160518
Played 2 Hyper games151010
Played 1 Monster game
Played 1 Othello game