Oruros League Stage 2: Breakthrough and Mini Breakthrough

Oruros League

Final Standings Second Stage (Breakthrough and Mini Breakthrough)

1. @oruro 4.0
2. @Nappi 3.0
3. @tititogepi 2.0
4. @vincent 2.0
5. @HawaiiBlue 1.5
6. @Mando 1.5
7. @Vladimir 1.5
8. @statmatt 0.5

To see all the information and get more information about Tie Breaks:

Oruro League Points in Second Stage:

1. oruro: 25
2. Nappi: 18
3. tititogepi: 15
4. vincent: 12
5. HawaiiBlue: 10
6. Mando: 8
7. Vladimir: 6
8. statmatt: 4

After two Stages Completed the General Standings are:

1. oruro: 50
2. vincent: 30
3. Nappi: 30
4. tititogepi: 25
5. statmatt: 19
6. HawaiiBlue: 10
7. peter2022: 8
8. Mando: 8
9. Vladimir: 6

Thanks to everyone who participated and managed to play their matches.

Next Stage (Just after the 2nd PlayStrategy Cup): Othello!!!

Congratulations on winning the Breakthrough Swiss stage @oruro and thanks for the tournament updates! I look forward to the Othello stage after the PlayStrategy Cup.
