Go is on PlayStrategy!

If you click create a game, it also doesn't look like you can choose rated.

As in the button is just greyed out, and I'm not sure what settings would work to make it not greyed out.

Also Greedy one move can't really play 19x19, you're just waiting for it to time out more or less on 5+3, which is the automatch.

I'll mention it because someone already said it to me, that in a lot of places using Chinese rules, the komi is 7.5. In Japanese rules the komi tends to be 6.5

@shinuito thanks.

1) You have to select 0 handicap and 6.5 komi to get a rated game. Any other settings disable rated games.
2) We're aware that 19x19 is a bit slow all round atm and we are working to try and improve this.
3) We'll double check the komi disparity

But how can I select it when there’s no option for it?

I click the “Create Game” button above the computer one, and there’s no options for komi etc

It’s the same when you click custom from the quick pairing menu.

Thanks for raising this issue, it does look like a bug and I can replicate it. We will look to fix this soon.

I think there’s also a bug with snapbacks being illegal

I don’t think the legal move checker is doing the right thing.

move 120 it should’ve been legal to recapture the three stones in the snapback, but I’m pretty sure I clicked there several times, but it’s like trying to play in an eye, when it’s illegal and nothing happens.

I can test it again, maybe on 9x9 it would be quicker

It’s probably mixing up some form of the ko rule with just normal recapturing.

Like if it’s coded that you can’t place back where a piece was just captured from, that would rule out kos but it would also rule out a bunch other moves too.

It’s not exactly that of course, because the send two return one type sequences can be played, as in where I capture two stones and you recapture my one stone.

Anyway here’s another example on 9x9.

Snapback in the upper left corner at move 51. I tapped it to recapture like 20 times but the 1-1 point couldn’t be played until waiting a turn as if it were like a ko.

The recapture at move 43 is legal as it should be, but I’m not sure exactly how a rule is coded to allow that and not the other cases - maybe something about placing a stone with no liberties then? It’s not really that’s either - but it a head scratcher.

Yeah definitely something wrong.

Here when greedy bot passed at move 52 I should’ve been able to connect at f4 but I wasn’t allowed to. It’s not like the board state would’ve been in that position previously, since it’s the first time I captured that ko, and it certainly wouldn’t have me connected that ko previously else it wouldn’t be a ko

I was trying to trick the bot with some superko rule where if it refused to connect the double ko, maybe it would have to pass and then be unable to recapture the double ko - in case you’re wondering what I was trying to do (I mean it’s a 9 stone 9x9, you have to try some tricks :) )
