New Clock types and other updates

We have just released an update which includes some exciting new features, including two new clock types:
- Bronstein Delay
- Simple Delay

You can create games and tournaments with these new clocks and we've added a useful page that explain how each of our clock types work:

We've also added a couple of settings to Swiss tournaments:
- The first is an option to prevent players from joining the tournament until a specified time before the start. This is an attempt to mitigate against players registering for a Swiss days or weeks in advance and then not being present at the start and leading to a frustrating experience for other players.
- The second is the option to add an extended interval at the half way point of a Swiss. Tournament creators may want to use this setting when a Swiss tournament is expected to take several hours, and would like for players to have a scheduled break in the tournament.

There is also a bug fix for en-passant checkmates in Monster Chess and a fix for ratings showing incorrectly in Medley tournaments.

This is an amazing new feature!

Thanks a lot to all the people involved!

We can wait to use them in Backgammon


Why is not possible to play rated games in the normal time control?

Thanks for the feedback, that does look to not be working as it was before, we will investigate.

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