Quick pairing and ps-bots now play Amazons

To help players find games, we have made the lobby quick pairing tab the default. When queuing for a game, if no other users are also waiting you will eventually get paired against an appropriate ps-bot. PS-Greedy-One-Move and PS-Greedy-Two-Move now both play Amazons, please give them a challenge and see how you get on. They are currently the same strength and therefore should end up with the same rating in the long term.

We soon hope to integrate Fairy Stockfish to play Amazons which should provide a much stronger challenge, and longer term will turn our computer playing machines (Stockfish/Fairy Stockfish) into a series of bots.

If you want to play a game, we suggest seeking for it in the lobby (click the button of the game you want to play). You may get bots a lot of the time at the moment, but the more people start using the lobby quick pairing buttons the more people will start getting matched against another human player. One day bots may never be needed, if a critical mass of players using the quick pairing feature is reached!

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