Weekly Challenge 1: Amazons Handicap

Weekly Challenge 1: Amazons Handicap

Challenge Description: Win a game of Amazons vs @PS-Random-Mover whilst only moving one of your Amazons.

Adjudication Criteria:
1. Fewest Moves
2. Earliest Entry

Additional Restrictions: No takebacks allowed.

Closing Date: Monday 20th March 1200 UTC+0

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Any chance the random mover could move any faster?

I can't tell which part would be slow, maybe it's generating all legal moves and then picking one at random?

If that's the case maybe it can pick a random piece first, then generate it's legal moves, then pick one of those at random.

Or similarly maybe it could pick a piece, generate legal moves in a random direction and pick one of those, and so on.

Something that might speed it up?

Hi @shinuito, @PS-Random-Mover plays at a speed in accordance to the time control you pick. If you pick 1+1 it will play pretty fast. If you pick 10+10 it will try and allocate its time accordingly.
