@tititogepi congrats!
I managed a 12 also with a lot of luck
Weekly Challenge 1: Amazons Handicap
"@tititogepi you're only supposed to move one amazon :D"
I was the blacks and not the whites :)
it is the orientation of the board who isn't good
"@tititogepi congrats!"
Thank you @shinuito :)
@tititogepi I know I'm silly :) I wasn't paying enough attention - 9 is crazy :)
This challenge certainly requires some luck! 9 is crazy. I thought 12 was going to be tough to beat. Nice one @tititogepi !
Also, is winning in 9 moves as black countes as the same number of moves as winning in 9 as white, or is the former 18 ply and the latter just 17?
I might just post some fun ones as well.
The amazons cooperated here by going into corners, but just a bit too slowly :)
My guess on the absolute best you could get is maybe four turns. Suppose the random bot was white and put all pieces on say a1,b1, i1,j1 and helped seal the pairs of pieces in, you could trap the four amazons in four turns (8 stones).
That's with like perfect cooperation though.
There's always one that won't cooperate ...
PB down to an 11 :)
This is a painful 12
It looked so good for a better score :)
I’m probably posting a bit too much, but just keeping it lively until the next challenge :)