Weekly Challenge 38: The Final Kings

Weekly Challenge 38: The Final Kings

Win a game of Monster Chess against @PS-Greedy-One-Move with only the Kings remaining on the board. To complete this challenge you will need to play as White.

Adjudication Criteria:
1. Fewest turns (plies)
2. Earliest Entry
Closing Date: Monday 18th December 1200 UTC+0

14th move for black (14.f5) :
Why black is allowed to do f4? It let my pawn takes his king with the en passant capture

Also, the double moves aren't showed correctly when we post the games on the forum

Hi @tititogepi, that does look incorrect (14.f5). We'll have to investigate it and fix.

Agreed, the double moves aren't showing correctly in the embedded games on the forum - another thing for us to look into.

Good work with the challenge!

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@statmatt , when I was playing the same game, when I checkmated there was a high delay on the server! (118.0)
Can you fix this?
