Weekly Challenge 56: Overflowing Oware House

Create a study which shows a game sequence which has a position with the largest number of stones in one house.

Adjudication Criteria:
1. Largest number of stones in one house
2. Fewest moves (plies) to reach this position
3. Earliest Entry
Closing Date: Monday 6th May 1200 UTC+0

Additional Restrictions:
- Put the number of stones achieved in a single house and the number of moves taken to reach that position in the forum post
- Do not edit the forum post after posting. This will invalidate your entry
- If the study chapter's moves don't match what is claimed in the forum post then the entry will be invalid

If you wish to improve your study and submit a better entry, please clone your original study into a new one, make changes in the new study and make a new forum post with the details and new study link.

<Comment deleted by user>

47 stones in one house for 137 ply in study EEWwW8yF (i've reached the maximum daily link post in forums...)

Hi @tititogepi thanks for your entries to the challenge. Whilst I can view the studies as a moderator, others cannot, so can you please make these public? Thanks for reporting the 'maximum daily link post in forums' restriction - we'll look into that.
