Oruros League Stage 2: Breakthrough and Mini Breakthrough

Hello everyone,

Having completed the first stage with Backgammon, I'm interested in participating in the Oruros League, particularly the second stage: Breakthrough and Mini Breakthrough.

Playing a match of 4 games per week is manageable for me, so I'm happy to commit to that schedule. Are you interested as well?

Let me know if there's anything else required to join.

Given the potential number of players, a Round Robin format seems most likely.

Please reply to this post if you'd like to join!

Looking forward to some exciting Breakthrough battles!

Hello !
I think it will be easy for me to play 2 games of each per week, as the game length is quite short

I would like to join :)


Hey everyone!

Awesome that we have 7 players now!

I'll wait until tomorrow to send the tournament rules, pairing and first round!


Is the tournament going to be round robin?
